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propose a solution to a problem you have witnessed or experienced related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Paper Instructions:

write a 1,500-1,750-word white paper that proposes a solution to a problem you have witnessed or experienced related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Your proposal should be addressed to someone (or a group) who has the power to address your problem (even if they can't fully solve your problem, you can prompt them to address at least part of it). Your writing and arguments should cater to that audience. Additionally, you should use evidence requisite for your audience. As always, the content, structure, and style should be suitable for the type of writing you are doing: a white paper. Make adjustments as necessary for the situation and your audience.It is an argumentative proposal, written as a white paper, that you would likely use to address your audience. It should offer a justifiable solution to a problem you have experienced or witnessed in relation to the COVID-19 crisis

160 Words  1 Pages
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