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Economic Impact Assessment: Being conscious of Marjorie's financial situation, assess the economic impact of the education plan.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For your course project, you will be creating a Personalized Patient Treatment Plan for a hypothetical patient utilizing the multidisciplinary approach. You will use the patient scenario presented on the Course Project Introduction page located in Module 01 for your hypothetical patient.

This week you will submit Part 2 - Economic Impact and Assessment of your course project. After reading the patient scenario, complete the following:

Part 2 - Economic Impact and Assessment

Economic Impact Assessment: Being conscious of Marjorie's financial situation, assess the economic impact of the education plan.

Identify the possible costs of each of the specific patient goals
Example: The cost of exercise or nutrient classes
Adaptability of Education Plan: Being part of a multidisciplinary team involves communication and evaluation. The needs of the patient can easily change at any given moment.

Identify if the education plan is adaptable to meet the patient's needs? If not, what can be done?
Example: Lost transportation to exercise or nutrient classes
Your paper should be 1-2 pages long. Format your paper using APA style, including a title page and a reference page that contains the sources you used. For help with formatting your paper, visit the APA Guide.

209 Words  1 Pages
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