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Assessing Your Eating Habits

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Part 1: For this assignment, you will analyze the foods that make up a meal you eat at home on a regular basis (a minimum of 3 items).

Perform an Internet search to find the "USDA Dietary Guidelines" that apply to you (age, gender, calorie count). This information should be readily available in a variety of locations including

For the three (3) items you selected above, list the ingredients and nutritional information from each food label and then compare them to the USDA Daily Recommended guidelines.

Now that you have compared your sample meal to the USDA recommendations, write a short reflection describing how your eating habits compare to these recommendations.

Present Part 1 in a 1-2 page paper written in APA format.

Part 2: Create a flyer, pamphlet, or brochure that could be handed-out at a grocery store. It should reflect and incorporate information you have learned about Health Education/Promotion. The document can be created using a variety of Microsoft tools including: Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher. (If you would like to use a different tool, please discuss it with your instructor before proceeding.)

Your document should:

take a clear position
support the position with accurate information
show awareness of the audience
demonstrate passion/conviction
Please submit a References page in APA format.

226 Words  1 Pages
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