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Canada as a Middle Power

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

This is the following question that you have to base the paper on:  Is Canada a small, middle, or principal power? Has that determination changed in the last few years/decades? is this categorization still useful in determining Canada's place in the international system?

1- The paper has to demonstrate  a research capability, argument, and coherent structure
2- there has to be a thesis, which means you have to have an argument  
3- I would like you to say that Canada is a middle power, not a small or principal power
4- be consistent with the question: make sure you address the question above in your thesis
5- Because you will have to argue, you will have to state the reasons why Canada is a middle power.  
6- please have a thesis because a thesis tells the reader what your paper will talk about
7- use Chicago style, with footnotes being at the bottom of each page.  Also, include a reference page 
8- you have to have a minimum of 10 Academic sources. Only use academic sources like Google scholar, actual hard copy books and journal articles  (do not use the regular google )
9-  I want the paper to be 10 pages long, double space, Times New Roman with 12 point font
10- Avoid any plagiarism, as this class has the plagiarism detector. 
11- Please be very clear and organized in the paper and make sure you have an argument
12- keep in mind that this is a political science/international relations class. so it is not an English literature class.  DO NOT BE DESCRIPTIVE, YOU HAVE TO HAVE A CLEAR ARGUMENT.

282 Words  1 Pages
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