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How is the media, biased, more towards progressive-liberal values, conservative values or in both directions depending on the specific media outlets you may access? Explain your response.

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

(1) How is the media, biased, more towards progressive-liberal values, conservative values or in both directions depending on the specific media outlets you may access? Explain your response.

(2) Find two or more examples of media bias (video clip, article, images) and include these at the end of your essay submission as web links. Explain in detail how these example/s represent media bias and the impact that it has on public opinion. As part of your research and examination of media bias include recent polling data results showing the public’s confidence in the objectivity or fairness of the media. Provide an Internet citation for each polling source discussed.

4-5 double-spaced pages of text
Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Bullet points or lists will not be accepted.
Be original - All papers submitted in this class are reviewed via, a proprietary software database that identifies unoriginal material in papers. Please review the syllabus statement regarding the penalty for plagiarism. Your instructor will provide you with additional information.

180 Words  1 Pages
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