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What has been the major impact of minorities and women in local politics? Where have they been the most successful in securing elected positions? What has been the policy impact?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

  1. Do nonpartisan elections remove “politics” from the local governmental process? What was the goal of reformers in pushing for a nonpartisan electoral system? Have these goals been achieved

    2. What has been the major impact of minorities and women in local politics? Where have they been the most successful in securing elected positions? What has been the policy impact?

    3. Compare and contrast city life with suburban life. Discuss the social problems faced by the inner cities

    4. Discuss the influence of the environmental protection movement. What are the primary responsibilities of local governments? What has been the impetus for federal involvement and what has been the impact? How is the public divided on the issues of protecting the environment versus economic growth?

    5. Why is there such opposition to taxes? Discuss the various tax limitation proposals and their impact on state and local government operations. What explains the reasons for tax revolts?

    6. Discuss the Civil Rights Act of 1964. What were the major provisions of this legislation? How do affirmative action policies attempt to encourage minority gains not just in opportunity, but in results?  Has this been largely successful? Is it constitutional?

    7. What role has religion played in public education? What is your position regarding support for or opposition to public aid to religious schools?

    8. How is “poverty” determined in the United States? What is the official poverty rate? Who are its critics and on what basis? Provide a description of those who are typically in poverty.
260 Words  1 Pages
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