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Sino Indian border dispute

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

  1. summary of intro, Himmatsinhji Committee, Panchsheel and After,Zhou Visit 1957
    B.    How would you characterize this article?
    (Practical, philosophical, a review, description of a 
    program or curriculum, educational)
    C.    Describe the central concept or
    theme of the article. 
    D.    Define the author’s purpose in writing the article.
    E.    Provide key ideas defined in the article.
    F.    Tell what the author does to get the major points across?
    G.    Did the author cite theories, models, or approaches?
    H.    Did the author present strengths and weaknesses?
    I.    Did the author provide recommendations and/or criticisms?
102 Words  1 Pages
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