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Open Letter to President Obama about Mass Shootings in Major American Cities

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

As US citizens we are concerned about the increasing acts of violence by and against the police in our major cities. According to Washington Post, “ fatal shootings by officers increased from 465 in the first six months of last year to 491 for the same period. This year has also seen more officers shot and killed in the line of duty and more officers prosecuted for questionable shootings.”  As we hear more voices of protests and our hearts are filled with grief and sympathy for the victims, we hope we could do something to end this senseless violence.

Write an open letter of 300-400 words to President Obama. In your letter based on the information you have gathered about President Obama’s “call for unity” (After watching the video and reading the relevant texts you have been provided through the link below), respond to the position of President Obama in his published statement about his policies and suggested course of action. (See the link below for information on formatting business letters)

The challenge is to address the president tactfully as you will be indirectly addressing a wider community that might read your letter. 

President Obama’s Call for Unity

Washington Post’s Report about Fatal Shootings

220 Words  1 Pages
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