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Solving political problems in Libya

  • Solving political problems in Libya
  •             In order to solve the political problems that the people of Libya are facing it is important for one to establish some of the root causes of these problems. This can help one to establish a long lasting solution to the problem the people of Libya are facing. In relation to this it is important for the government to address the issues of the historically manufactured conflict. This is because the former president of Libya, Qaddafi was a conflict creator. He used the various country resources and tools to achieve his regional and global goals (Falola, Toyin, Jason Morgan, and Oyeniyi, 20). Another critical way of solving the problems faced by people of Libya is through solving the tribal problems. Uniting the various tribes found in Libya can help to create a harmonious societ. 
  •             Moreover solving the security problems should also be given priority. This is because the current security systems clearly indicate that the country does not have united security systems. This therefore implies that there is need to create new Libya armed forces, which can help to secure the country borders. Most importantly the Libya government needs to ensure that they solve the problem related to bureaucratic in the country. This can help to ensure that the country is able to solve its own problems without necessary calling for international community.
  • Cultural difference considered in solving problems
  •             The cultural difference in Libya is also significant in various regions. In order to solve these differences it is important for the government to ensure that they promote the cultural awareness. This can help to ensure that all the people in the country understand the cultural practice of other members of the community. This can in turn help to create a united country.
297 Words  1 Pages
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