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Do you think the U.S. should allow more Cubans into the country under political asylum provisions? Why or why not?

  • Do you think the U.S. should allow more Cubans into the country under political asylum provisions? Why or why not?
  • No, by allowing more Cubans in the country under the political asylum provision will induce further mass immigration from Cuba. This mass immigration can have adverse negative effect on US economy. The Cuban government may also take that opportunity to transfer the social and economic cost in their country to the US taxpayer through the mass immigration. In relation to this it has been established that over 50000 Cuban citizen who were granted permanent resident had at one time received over $322 million through the various federal assistance programs. In addition the high numbers of the Cuban immigrants in US have led to increase in the unemployment levels in some states in United States. This is because most of these immigrants compete with the US citizen in search for the job opportunity. It is also important to note that the high number of immigrants in United States under the political asylum has led to increase in the congestion in some cities.
    Do you think the U.S. government should conduct an operation wetback today? Why or why not?
  • No, the United States should not carry out the operation wetback today rather it should impose measures to help protect the illegal immigration even under the political asylum provision. This is because analysis of the history of the wetback, which was implemented in 1954 it, is evident that the process was associated with different form of mistreatment and abuse. In this case the wetback was used to further stereotype the Mexican who lived in United States where most of them were discriminated and in some cases received various from of abuses. Moreover most of the people who were deported ended up losing their property and were stranded without food when they arrived in Mexico. It is therefore possible to argue that conducting operation wetback would therefore end up undermining the various principles of the human right act.
334 Words  1 Pages
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