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Research an Interest Group that works at the National level that interests you and research the organization, what the group does, how they carries out their mission, and identify the leadership of the group. Write a five to seven page paper that addresse

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Research an Interest Group that works at the National level that interests you and research the organization, what the group does, how they carries out their mission, and identify the leadership of the group. Write a five to seven page paper that addresses the following:

Explain the interest group’s history/origin, what is the main interest of the group, describe its past and current operations, who is top leadership and the way it is organized, and provide a brief explanation of the group’s mission. If you conduct an interview with someone from the interest group, provide a transcript of that interview as an appendix to your paper.
Analyze and explain how the group gains influence, and what services they provide to the public, if any. Who are their main contributors i.e. how are they funded, are they meeting the goal the interest group was created for, and does it align with the original mission of the interest group?
What is public opinion of the interest group, the leadership, and/or the people who work(ed) in the group?
Looking at the overall research you have conducted on the interest group, their mission, and the effect the groups has on the public and/or government officials. What do you observe about how the group is managed and lead? Is the group a benefit to the public or a specific segment of people?

Grading rubric for an excellent paper:

An excellent paper must be five to seven pages in length, formatted correctly, free of grammatical errors, and with perfect APA formatting. The paper must begin with an introductory paragraph and must address the topics with critical thought, logical ideas, and end with a persuasive conclusion. An excellent paper will demonstrate creative thought and innovation from the leadership perspective. The reader of the paper should come to a decision to support the program based on the arguments presented in the paper. Finally, for full credit an excellent paper will use a minimum of two credible and reliable sources in addition to the textbook including current research or public or non-governmental public programs that address the problem.

358 Words  1 Pages
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