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documentary film and connect it to relevant course reading and material

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Paper Instructions:

For each paper, you will be asked to watch a documentary film and connect it to the relevant course readings and materials. Papers should reflect that you have watched the documentary and done the relevant course readings. That said, please do not just summarize! This assignment is not asking for a synopsis of the film and/or readings. I am asking you to analyze the film and make an argument, using the class readings to support your argument. Please write in a clear and organized way (e.g. within the first 2 paragraphs it should be clear to the reader what your argument is!). Make sure to proof-read your work and do not just rely on spellcheck. You are not required to use any outside sources – nor do I expect you to do additional research for these papers. However, if you have read articles for other courses/etc. and want to use them in addition to readings assigned in this class you are certainly free to do so. However, this should not be at the expense of drawing connections with the assigned class readings. While I am not specifying a minimum number of readings that you should cite, please use all the readings you feel are applicable to support the argument you decide to make.


223 Words  1 Pages
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