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Use of Power and Politics in Organizations

Use of Power and Politics in Organizations

Power is used in most organizations since people want to use in order to enable them share responsibilities and indeed ensure the set goals and objectives are achieved in time (Fairholm, 2009). Politics go hand in hand with power in most organizations since people are working in order to complete the same purpose which is success. In most cases managers misuse the power since they do not include employees in the process of making decisions. This habit at the long run cause conflicts in the organization and can even result to failure. People seek power in the organizations so that they can generate ideas and decisions which need to be followed by those who are not in power (Fairholm, 2009). The people in power ensure they delegate duties to their junior ones since authority should be distributed with the organization if the organization wants to succeed. Most people are motivated and ensure they remain powerful in the organizations since the environments are suitable for those in power.

Power and politics in my organization are used by those in power as they delegate duties to other employees and make the strategic decisions. Executives ensure that they remain in power in order to guide other junior employees. Distribution of power is enhanced in my organization since managers include employees in the most important meetings and ensure they are involved in the decision making process.

However use of power and politics have caused conflicts within my organization since managers chose the people to promote thus other people tend to complain especially where managers are unethical and favor some people. Employees are confused at times since they are not given clear objectives by those in power. Conflicts are solved when employees are given clear guidelines and objectives they are supposed to accomplish. Enough resources in the organization reduce the rates of conflicts thus organization should ensure they have enough resources in terms of money and human power.


Fairholm, G. W. (2009). Organizational power politics: Tactics in organizational leadership.      Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger/ABC-CLIO.


346 Words  1 Pages
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