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Tears over the collapse of the EU-Canada trade deal

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Tears over the collapse of the EU-Canada trade deal

            The article is highlighting the collapse of the European Union and Canada trade deal. This was discussed at the drab justice Lipsius building in Brussels by the European Union’s heads. This happened on the twentieth and twenty first this month by twenty eight members who went through the finer points of the EU migration and foreign policy. This was also being discussed in Namur which is the capital of Belgium a French speaking Walloon region. The Wallonia’s deputies debated the latest attempt by the leaders of Europe to draw up a protocol to CETA. This trade and investment deal which would satisfy their objections to some of its provisions. Under the baroque of the constitution of Belgium, all the five regional parliaments have to provide their consent for the federal government that supports CETA to give its backup. The Walloons did not agree to this and it made the Canada’s trade minister to leave in tears after emergency talks.        

The EU was not capable of reaching an agreement which made it unlikely for the planned visit to Brussels by the prime minister to sign CETA on the twenty seventh. The European Commission is in charge of conducting trade talks on behalf of all the members think that the EU requires to boost its defenses against subsidized steel and other products mostly from China. Free traders have held up talks for three years on updating the trade defense instruments of the EU like countervailing duties. The officials are however worried about the growing anti trade mood which is making them run out of patience. The EU is not seeking more protection as allowed by the WTO which is calling for a decision b the end of the year. The deal between Turkey and the EU was hovered by the same temper over the discussion of migration. Russia is thinking of a separate shift in their discussion which has backfired.


            The European Union should change its strategies of handling such cases by going through the proposed deals carefully. It should not disappoint other nations like the case of Canada which should be done by agreeing to reach an agreement. The EU should make sure that it is credible and has the ability of reaching agreements and signing trade deals in the future. The EU should also change the way it operates because it is clear that it has difficulties in managing its members. This means that the leaders should be able to listen to the members for them to be able to carry out referendums.

The EU should also offer a flexible interpretation on the distribution of refugees. This is because their deal with Turkey reduced drastically the number of refugees who crossed to Greece. This raises questions over the recent plans as well as the people who will pay for it. The EU should also change their insular and grumpy mood on the issues of security, border protection and returns. The EU needs also to come up with the right measures to deal with cases of incursions. This is to strengthen the sanctions that have already been imposed. This move will be very helpful for all the members of the European Union because it will ensure that they are able to reach an agreement




559 Words  2 Pages
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