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The History and Importance of September 11, 2001

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

- You can choose a topic to research. It must be something at least 10 years old (before 2010) and clearly history. For example, if you choose football as your topic, it must be about the development of the game throughout history, not the rules of how to play football or information about your current favourite players/teams. 

- You must use a MINIMUM of three sources and a variety of (reliable websites, documentaries, books, articles, interviews, etc) 

- You need to phrase your topic into a clear research question. For example, To what extent... How important was... How far did... 

✓ Write 1200-1500 words 
✓ Front-page with the question stated on it, your name and word count 
✓ Introduction – give some context to the question, no lengthy background, 
explain the question to show what you plan to write about, shortly why you choose this question, which are the main sources that you use in the report. (100-200 words) 
✓ The main body of the essay divided into parts depending on the question (1000-1300 words) 
Analyze your historical issue, relate it back to your research question, and make short sub-conclusions under each section. Remember to add footnotes to references throughout the entire analysis.
✓ Conclusion (100 -200 words). Answer your research question and briefly state what you have learned from this research. 
✓ Bibliography (all the referenced sources need to be stated at the end of the 

→ All main facts and information that is not your own analysis must be referenced with footnotes or sources in (brackets).
→ You will get two marks on your research. One on the research paper, (how well your essay is researched and presented). And one for the formalities, (structure, references, bibliography, etc).

304 Words  1 Pages
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