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Produce an in-depth analysis of Colombia, examining current major political issues and discussing the short-term outlook for the country’s politics.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Produce an in-depth analysis of Colombia, examining current major political issues and discussing the short-term outlook for the country’s politics. 

Your analysis should: a) present an overview of your country’s political system (including any relevant information about major institutions or party systems), b) discuss any major political debates or issues likely to shape your country’s politics in the next 5-10 years, and c) contextualize your country within the broader regional trends we have read about in this course. Good questions to ask yourself are how your country is like or unlike its neighbors, and what might make it unique within the region. 

This analysis should be approximately 15-20 pages and use 10-15 sources. 

124 Words  1 Pages
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