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The purpose of this paper is for you to share the context surrounding a communication issue you have experienced while at work (or at school). This will allow the class to have discussions about real issues in organizational contexts. Please only write ab

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Critical Incident Paper Assignment Sheet

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is for you to share the context surrounding a communication issue you have experienced while at work (or at school). This will allow the class to have discussions about real issues in organizational contexts. Please only write about an issue that you are comfortable sharing with your professor and classmates.

Description: The critical incident paper should utilize the following format: (1) A description of the situation and how it poses a communication dilemma or issue for the individual, group, or organization; (2) A brief discussion of the Organizational Communication process and/or issues which lie beneath the surface of the situation; (3) A description of the emergent thoughts and feelings of those involved and how these are a part of the dynamics of the situation; and (4) End with one or more questions that prompt discussion about addressing the issue.

158 Words  1 Pages
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