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What is the impact of social media on college students?

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Paper Instructions:

What is the impact of social media on college students?

HOOK: Grab your reader’s interest using one of the strategies discussed in “Drafting a Toulmin Argument” in the Week 6 folder textbook readings. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Give your readers the information they need to know in order to understand your claim. THESIS STATEMENT (aka: your CLAIM): Your thesis statement should go at the end of your introduction. The thesis statement should clearly state your claim and summarize your major reasons (grounds) you discuss in your first three body paragraphs.4 Body Paragraphs (3 reasons rebuttal) You should have a total of four body paragraphs—the first three body paragraphs should present your three major reasons (grounds) for your claim, and the fourth body paragraph should present your rebuttal to a counterargument. Each body paragraphs should focus on a single idea and should include a clear topic sentence that effectively summarizes the main idea of that paragraph. The evidence you present in your body paragraphs should be

175 Words  1 Pages
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