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Education continues to be a significant tool in society for determining the type of career one will embark on after school. Although there are jobs that do not necessarily rely on an individual’s school performance, most employers rely on academics as a determining factor and those who excel in their schoolwork often have an added advantage when it comes to seeking employment. Although internet job sites help to bridge the gap between the employer and potential candidates, the number of internet job sites available makes it difficult for the job seeker to determine which website is likely to lead to the career of their dreams.

The difficulty in finding a good job position has to do with the high number of internet job sites and the difficulty in accessing information contained in the sites meant to ease the employment application process (ILO, 2018). There are however some sites that not only provide access to employers but also tailor the jobs to suit each job seeker’s needs.

  1. Magnet

Magnet is a digital social innovative platform co-founded by Ryerson University and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. The not-for-profit platform seeks to connect people and organizations that create opportunities for all parties involved to grow.

  • Ease of access

One of the major features on the Magnet platform is the ease it has created for job seekers to identify potential employers, gain insight about how employment works and helping job seekers determine the best fit for them when choosing a career. Jobseekers are only required to register and provide information that is used to identify the job seekers career choices. “Update your education information, details about previous work experience and positions, your interests, skills, and your identification as a member of an employment equity group” (Magnet, 2020).  The information helps to tailor content that applies to the job seeker and this makes it easier to narrow down on the best job opportunities.

  • Breaks down job descriptions

Another distinct feature has to do with the way information is presented in the website. Magnet has broken down jobs with reference to the organization offering the opportunity and also the type of employment a candidate feels comfortable in. the website is divided into sub sections such as job seekers, large employers, intermediaries, and partnership opportunities (Magnet, 2020). The classification makes the job search easier as job seekers can easily identify the nature of environment they would wish to work in and then apply for jobs that fit this criterion.

  • Magnet intelligence

Magnet further offers information to job seekers that is meant to help them develop a better understanding of the employment world and what to expect. “Magnet is dedicated to addressing underemployment and unemployment in Canada by providing labour market information to inform evidence-based decision making around effective services, training, and workforce development strategies. The information ensures that potential employees understand what is required of them when applying for jobs and also what they can do to increase their chances of securing ideal job positions” (Magnet, 2020).

  1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an online employment service that operates through a website and mobile apps for professional networking. It has created a platform where employers can post job opportunities and those seeking employment can post their CV’s.

  • Connections through the community

The sites most prominent feature is the platform it has created where friends, colleagues and classmates can reconnect on LinkedIn. Since a lot of confusion regarding career decisions is based on lack of adequate information, the community created makes it easier as it connects job seekers with people they can trust (LinkedIn, 2020). Colleagues and classmates can provide a lot of information about how they went about looking for employment as well as offer testimonials on how LinkedIn operates. Since classmates and friends tend to have similar career aspirations, the relationships further ease the use of the website and assist job seekers secure promising careers.

  • Training

Other than creating a platform for job seekers, LinkedIn also offers training to help candidates develop a better understanding of the employment market and also to add on to their qualifications. The feature is ideal for job seekers who are fresh from school as they have little experience with the outside world (LinkedIn, 2020). The training gives a brief of what to expect and also improves the candidate’s chances of securing employment by equipping them with skills that offer a competitive advantage.

  • Employer-employee relationships

LinkedIn operates as an intermediary between the employer and potential employees. Employers post job opportunities while employees post their CV’s on the site and the information is made available for all parties. Since employers have the liberty to choose a candidate based on their CV, they have adequate time to go over their qualifications before recruitment. The communication engaged in from the site progresses to interviews and job opportunities, thereby establishing some level of trust between the employer and the employee. “After I lost my job, one of the first things I did was update my LinkedIn profile. I had a recruiter reach out to me and I ended up getting the job” (LinkedIn, 2020). The process is simplified and it reduces the confusion in deciding which employer to select thus easing the employment process.

  1. Glassdoor

The website is responsible for reviewing companies and making the information available to job seekers who use their platform to apply for jobs.

  • Specialised job search

The site prompts users to register and provide information that ensures that results presented are specifically tailored to the job seekers needs. The registration enables the site to access information regarding the candidate and provides results that are relevant to the user.

  • Pre-interview training

Other than connecting job seekers with employers, Glassdoor trains candidates on how to go about preparing for interviews (Glassdoor, 2020). Since the company analyses different companies, the interviews are beneficial as they help job seekers gain a competitive advantage.

  • Information sharing

Lastly, the organization conducts anonymous enquiries and research to collect information regarding companies in terms of employment and also how they treat employees. This ensures that potential employees are already aware of the type of environment they will work in and the type of salaries to expect even before applying for the job.






Figure 1: A graph representing the percentage employment of rates of LinkedIn, Magnet, and Glassdoor against years




                      80                                                                            LinkedIn



Employment                                       Magnet

Rates (%)      30                                                    Glassdoor




                             2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015    2016   2017   2018   2019



Recommendation & Conclusion

The popularity of internet job sites has created an environment where there is too much information making the process more complicated. There are however select websites that are designed to assist candidates secure employment the most commendable being Magnet. Other than creating a platform where candidates can research about their career choice, the website goes a step further to classify the jobs available in different categories depending on nature of employment. While most websites share information and connect employers and employees, Magnate further classifies jobs in relation to distinct specializations such as the size of the organization and the nature of employment, either intermediary, partner or just a normal employee. The site is therefore the most ideal from the three discussed as it not only helps the job seeker to secure employment, but also helps to determine the nature of environment the employee is likely to work in.























Glassdoor. (2020). “About Glassdoor” retrieved from,

International, Labour Organization. (2018). Digital labour platforms and the future of work:        Towards decent work in the online world. Genève (Suisse: International Labour       Organization.

LinkedIn. (2020). “About LinkedIn” retrieved from:

Magnet. (2020). “About Magnet” retrieved from:


1278 Words  4 Pages
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