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Describe an IT-related risk that occurred where you work or describe an IT-risk event at another organization

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Paper instructions:

Describe an IT-related risk that occurred where you work or describe an IT-risk event at another organization (don't repeat examples used in class discussions).
Describe how the risk was assessed by the organization (high, medium, low; cost of the threat; etc.).
Respond to at least one other student’s posting with your comments.
Your discussion score is based on ability to provide appropriate examples, provide appropriate feedback on another discussion, and your written communication skills (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.).

i need friend response

As an IT managements company's procurement manager I saw a lot of unethical acts in management from disappearing servers to the management team asking me to turn the other way, as servers were purchased with lesser quality parts than were expected or referred to as generic white box intel servers being passed on as high end servers. The biggest concern I had with the company was when they acquired a competitor and as they were trying to cut costs they cut employees. One of these employees was the Logistics manager. They combined my duties as purchaser with the duties of shipping and receiving manager which gave one individual (me) access and liability to all.  There was two keys available to the closet that held hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of computer equipment with no way of verifying who took what to which customer. I implemented a checkout list of the key that I had, but the system was still flawed since the CFO still had a copy of the key. The company later was acquired by C7 Data Centers which I am no longer a part of.

281 Words  1 Pages
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