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Evaluating behavioral competencies within the interpersonal domains

Evaluating behavioral competencies within the interpersonal domains

My areas of strength within the interpersonal domain is the ability to communicate effectively. Communication is my area of strength because I have the ability and skills necessary to deliver a messages accurately. Anyone can acquire the skill of communicating effectively as it only needs another listening ear and patience to interpret correctly the things being communicated across the board. It is also a fundamental skill that requires no talent but practice. Engaging in active listening while using all the verbal cues necessary to present a good intention is a strength. Communication is a strength because of its social ability to bring people together and to articulate ideas. For example people learn talking at an early age hence the skill can be channeled into more useful things (Shrm-bock-final.pdf).


Areas of weakness within the interpersonal domain

Business acumen. It requires knowledge an integration of skills and characteristics that do not come by easily, they are either acquired through experience or they take time to be developed and put into functional use. For example, financial analysis and business intelligent skills are learnt at higher institutions of learning and may take to be cemented hence can be weakness in so many ways (Shrm-bock-final.pdf).



One of the key strategies is using different approaches to project management for example planning and monitoring various aspects within the Human resource. Understanding the external surroundings helps in incorporating the company’s objectives and vision hence channeling them to make progress in various sectors of the company. This will help to create a competitive edge over the rival companies. Finding out other fine 2details on how the company operate helps to come up with proper strategies (Shrm-bock-final.pdf).














291 Words  1 Pages
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