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Criminological Theories Presented in the Media

Criminological Theories Presented in the Media

The application of political theories in media is important as it assists in increasing the ratings of the media channels and thus enabling the aspect of money making. Utilization of inequality, repression and racism theories by the media sensationalizes a given crime. This makes the media therefore to have more of sensational reporting. Sensationalism in the media contributes towards the increment of the top ratings in the media. Moreover, political theories are also important as they support some of the political perspectives. One of the core goals of the media is sensationalism that which empowers a strong emotional response from the audience targeted. For this to be attained, the media ensures that the crime revolves around inequality, repression and prejudice. A good example to illustrate how the media fails to express sensation is using a murder case where the media reports of a killing that just happened somewhere. Due to lack of sensation, the news may not attract too much audience and hence it may not be of great profit to the media stations. However, if the media uses political theories to explain a murder, then the case may seem to attract higher ratings from the people hence resulting to a strong emotion aroused by the reporting that the murder occurred due to racism.

The rational theory is the most seen in the present day mass media. It asserts that people tend to participate in taking an action that is in line with their own preferences. It thus aids people to make decisions and especially in businesses where the media entrepreneurs better understand the audience’s actions in a society as it is fully based on rationality where they have the freedom to choose what they want based on their preferences. It asserts that people adjust for prejudices of information that is coming from particular media channel. The media are thus able to apply this theory in their broadcasting as most of the crime shows apply the rational choice idea.

The rate at which violence in the media is increasing is quite alarming. This is because it is reaching a point where it is dangerous for the American society. Much of the media shows are filled with violence and reality has actually been replaced with fiction. However, due to the high rate of violence being televised, most of the people are convinced that crime is happening everywhere and that guns are important for protection (Gentile, 2012). The causal factor of crime is thus as a result of the high rate of obsessions with the violent images from the media. It is therefore important to note that the increased rate, at which people are watching violent scenes on the television, increases their chances of actually having aggressive conducts.  Evidence suggests that exposure to violence by the media is a causal risk factor that has led to the increased crimes and prosaically conducts.

Nightcrawler film, 2014, exposes the media deception that is often portrayed in reality. Being witnesses the audiences are able to gain insights on the level of distortion that is present in the strategic planning places of the consecrated media stations (Claremont, 2014). The film is a representation of the political theory as it is more exploitative and scandalous as it displays violence throughout the play.







Gentile DA, Bushman BJ. (2012).Reassessing media violence effects using a risk and resilience approach to understanding aggression. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

Claremont, C. (2014). Nightcrawler Vol. 1: Homecoming. Marvel Entertainment.  

584 Words  2 Pages
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