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Organization Genre: memo

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Organization Genre: memo

This genre is written by the campus managers for the purpose of internal communication.  The memo is directed to students and they are persuaded to follow the ethical policy by showing respect to others students. The latter have been involved in ethical issue in the place of work.  They have developed harassing behaviors to their fellow students. Various cases have been forwarded to the manager’s office where male students harass female students sexually and when    they report they  are threatened. This is a serious issue in that female students are unable to achieve their educational goals.

 Audiences of this genre are the students   and the genre guides them on the actions to be taken to stop sex discrimination (Yates & Orlikowski, 300). First, employees should understand that abusive behaviors are not allowed within the educational institution and thus, they should abide with the policy in order to avoid repercussions. The purpose for reading the genre is for them to understand the problem   and to take actions. Students are requested to reduce the unprofessional behaviors by following codes of ethics. 

 In writing the memo, the manager ensures that the information reminds the students on self-awareness and professional conduct. It acts as a guide and persuades all students to   treat their fellow students with respect and dignity, to maintain inter-personal relationship and cooperation (Jamison, 94). In dealing and interacting with other students, they should act ethically and avoid acting in unreasonable manner. In executing all actions, students should avoid being engaged in discrimination and harassment (Jamison, 94). When carrying out academic work, students should act ethically and avoid behaviors which would advantage other students.

 In creating this genre, the writer’s goal is to ensure that students understand and implements the ethical policy in their interaction with others to avoid discrimination and harassment. The writer is concerned with solving the issue of sexual harassment and by implementing policy; his or her aim is to persuade students to act ethically. Thus, the writer’s objectives is to put polices and code of ethics into practice and create secure environment where students interacts and cooperates with others without fear, harassment or threat. The readers, who are students, have a goal of changing their behaviors and acting morally. To achieve the goals, they need to accept the values and allows them to guide their decisions when interacting with others. Since the genre is written by the institution manager, students, who are the readers strives to do the best to avoid   harsh punishment from the manager. This genre acts as a guide and helps them meet their needs by being reminded about the policy and codes of ethics which should guide behavior.  In addition, students gain awareness and understands that the institution as well as the community expects them to act in an ethical way

  The memo is does not contain a lot of information since it is a 1page memo.  This makes it easier for the students to understand the main point which are the problem, policies, codes of ethics and actions. The writer designs the memo with black and red color and readers captures the main points easily. The information is organizational in a coherent manner as the writer starts by indication to whom the memo is dedicated, who writes the memo, the date written and the subject.  Then he represents the information clearly by stating the problem and the solutions.  In doing this, the writer uses a formal tone and this means that in writing the memo, he is serious with the issue he is presenting. Since the write is directing the message to students, he uses a persuasive tone and urges them to value ethics and treat other students fairly. Though students are obligated to follow the school rules, they are persuaded to   act ethically in order to create a peaceful school environment.

 In writing the memo, the writer uses the rhetorical strategies. He applies ethos in his writing   by challenging and persuading the readers. Note the writer does not intend to harm the readers but rather   advices and recommends on the best way to follow. The ethos is effective in that first, ethos contain credibility. This means that the writer or the speaker, who is the manager, shows respect, authority, goodwill and expertise (Hyde, 89). Therefore, students will take heed to the message and develop a good moral character.

 The genre, which is the memo, is carried out in written form.  This method is effective in that the written record is important as it reaches all intended audiences thereby building a good relationship.  The most important point with this type of genre is that memo goes direct to the point and the reader gets a clear picture of what is needed for him or her (MacArthur, 140).

            The genre is not unique to this organization. This is because, almost all organization use this genre as a method of internal communication. It relates to other versions like posters, meetings and newsletters. All these genres serve a similar purpose of conveying message to a specific group within the organization (MacArthur, 140).  Similarly, the genres are correlated with idea development and distribution of the idea to the groups involved.  However, there a difference between memo and other genres in terms of the way they are represented.   For example, a writer requires an email address in ordered to send a newsletter unlike a memo where the writer issues a written record to all members. In addition, a meeting   involves a group people who come together to discuss matters. All the same, the genres are intended to convey message and to find a solution to a specific issue (MacArthur, 171).







Work cited

Yates Joanne., & Orlikowski J. Wanda. Genres of Organizational Communication: A Structurational

Approach to Stying Communication and Media. 17(2),1992,299-326. Work cited


Jamison, Lori, and Paul Kropp. The Write Genre: Classroom Activities and Mini-Lessons That Promote

Writing with Clarity, Style and Flashes of Brilliance. Markham, Ont: Pembroke Publishers, 2004.

Internet resource.


MacArthur, Charles A, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald. Handbook of Writing Research. New York:

Guilford Press, 2008. Print.


Hyde, Michael J. The Ethos of Rhetoric. Columbia, SC: Univ. of South Carolina Press, 2004. Print.

1036 Words  3 Pages
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