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The State of Our Community Scenario

"The State of Our Community Scenario

A public order crime refers to actions that fail to conform to what is considered by the society to be the ideal normal values and moral behavior. The relationship between these crimes and other form of crimes stems how the related behavior affects a law abiding person so that they start breaking the law. Crimes such as prostitution and drug abuse are normally related with lack of proper judgment in specific situations (Cole & Smith, 2008).. Most individuals in the prostitution crime have to take drugs in order to maintain their sanity. The influence of drugs and alcohol normally lead to practices such as careless driving while pornography can lead to child sexual molestation. These examples show that public order crimes lead to other crimes since they involve altered behavior. The relation between the public order crimes and broken window theory is that to some extent, it may result to higher crime rates if measures are not taken control abnormal behavior.  The reduction in public order crimes and thus other crimes would be achieved if the police foot patrols are combined with other strategies aimed at behavior change. Otherwise, the application of broken window policy would mean that minimizing crimes on public order would restore some sanity in an area (Cole & Smith, 2008).

Prostitution should not be legalized or decriminalized due to the many challenges and impacts it has on other crimes. Even if legalization would move prostituted individuals indoors such as clubs and brothels where they would be less vulnerable, it could lead to increased cases of human trafficking, rape and violence. Legalization does not eliminate such vices. Decriminalization would also mean that all the above vices would go unnoticed or unpunished. In addition, there moral and ethical issues associated prostitution. Most of the prostituted people engage in such affairs due lack of better option (Liu, 2011). Therefore, prostitution is wrong and should not be legalized to fulfill inherent or canal desires of some people at expense of others. 


Cole, G. F., & Smith, C. E. (2008). Criminal justice in America. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. 141

Liu, M. (2011). Migration, prostitution, and human trafficking: The voice of Chinese women. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. 175

372 Words  1 Pages
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