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CERCLA policy

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Paper instructions:

Writing letters to public officials and organizations is a common form of political action for both clients and social workers. By telling their personal stories, clients are able to put a “face” on a problem (President Obama, during his candidacy and as President, for example, has often referred to “the lady he met in Iowa who has gone bankrupt due to medical bills.”). Social workers and other professionals attempt to influence policy by not only telling their clients’ stories but also by adding “facts and figures” about the problem or issue.
Choose a social welfare issue discussed in class. It can be a new one or the one you chose for your social problem. Prepare a letter to an elected official regarding your chosen social welfare issue. You are not required to actually send the letter; however it must demonstrate the appropriate format and content. In the letter, explain how you want the legislator to vote on the position and why. It can relate to the social policy you have analyzed if this is appropriate as well.
Opinions carry more weight when they are backed up by credible facts so you will have to do a little research in order to make your point. This letter should be no more than one page, single spaced.
To be taken seriously advocacy letters to the media and elected officials must be well-organized and written with excellent grammar and spelling. Please attach a reference list for any materials you used in this assignment.

261 Words  1 Pages
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