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Communication and Information management

Communication and Information management

Information management is a viaduct between users and the technical executers and between aspiration and reality (Riungu, 2007). This is an office that ensures all communication channels within an organization are well planned, implemented, monitored and revised so that a systematic flow of information can cherish. As sub-committee 4 of the X University, we have done the giant part of the systematic process which is planning and implementation. The team under my leadership has done a recommendable job that is worth appreciation. In the sensitive areas of our focus that is communication, data collection reporting and accountability, we have realized mega achievements.  

There are three dimensions that have been our guiding tool in making sure that the information flowage is successful. The first is the reliability of information such that students can count on us as the student’s board in presenting reliable information (Riungu, 2007). We have ensured that the information passed is valid with the assurance of it being first hand information. This means that rumors were not entertained and so our information’s reliability was assured. This played a big role in our efforts to educate the campus community on various issues that we needed to achieve as the committee.

Information availability and privacy have been also our focus point in ensuring that students get updated as soon as the information was communicated by the management. Availability was ensured through the well developed school website where everyone could access it at any time. We also have social sites such as FaceBook and Twitter among others which kept the students on toes with the recent updates.  The privacy was also catered for such that any confidential information was done through the appropriate channels (Tripathi, 2009). Our communications strategies have really built up the cohesion between students and the school management in a great way.

The other dimensions of data collection and reporting have got a long list of achievements. The committee had prefigured how important it is to collect data in the most efficient way. We have been able to purchase a CCTV camera that will keep watch over the campus compound all through for first hand information. The camera will help greatly in our strategy of ensuring safety to every student. This initiative will become our stepping in ensuring the success of all of our operational plans that will give birth to the 2019 vision. Other methods we have used to collect first hand data have been passing questionnaires, conducting interviews, and seeking from the other secondary sources such as the internet and books to ensure that the information we pass is reliable (Tripathi, 2009). Reporting on the other hand does hand in hand with the data collection (Riungu, 2007). We have bought three computers that will facilitate the collection reporting and storage of the collected data.

Accountability is a very special and essential tool when it comes to the concept of information privacy (Riungu, 2007). It gives technical mechanisms that are either ethical or legal in protecting the privacy, values and copyright in various dimensions we live. This has been our theme of the year such that every channel of communication gets in line with the legal and ethical standards that every student requires both in the campus and in the life afterwards (Tripathi, 2009). Accountability will guide our students to establish proper communication grounds in their workplaces as well as other areas they shall be required to participate. Our few though successful seminars we held have handled it all. All the discussed successes will be a guiding tool throughout the life for all our students. 




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Riungu, F. M. (2007). Communication and information management in partnership development: The case of KwaZulu-Natal Agricultural Development Forum.

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Tripathi, P. S. (2009). Communication management: A global perspective. New Delhi: Global India Publications.

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647 Words  2 Pages
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