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Self-online presentation

Language and Society

            The issue of self-online presentation first considers the humanoid uniqueness which is an online individuality in which an internet user develops in the online societies and websites.  People always prefer to be unidentified as they distinguish themselves by methods that proof several amounts of individual information that is seen. Online representation is used in daily lives as it uses the pictures of drama for it to show the effectiveness of social interaction.  The current world is connected with the internet and specific representations of self through words and portraits. The internet videos are through connections such as Avatars which are in the online settings.  The online- self representation is hindered by the founder of online society in the virtual realities with the outset of the physical body. For the individuals that depict themselves through Facebook in ways such as pictures and messages, this contains an assortment of images that are intended to support individuality. Through this self-representation, one has to make and allot the portraits through their personal pictures (Attrill & Palgrave Connect, 2015). 

            Gaining the online identity is a main issue in the field of online society.  The notion of internet a site of identity states that users can or may represent themselves online in ways that do not record their physical bodies.  When online representation hinders the use of physical identities, the users who opt gender or sexuality to act or make substitute identities, make their online environments in the play is never reputed.  The capability of the users to change their performing identities or to act a series of different identities is a way of contravention of a remarkable idea of self-representation. The approach of the internet came to be critiqued when it considers the ideas of technical applications such as race, class and sex (Attrill & Palgrave Connect, 2015).


Attrill, A., & Palgrave Connect (Online service). (2015). the manipulation of online self-presentation: Create, edit, re-edit and present.


325 Words  1 Pages
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