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A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Reading and Response

  1. Photos have the power and the ability to constructing social problems. According to the reading, they give a clear picture of how the problem is and the size of that problem. Photos also give a moral compass to guide the audience how to feel about that particular problem and how it can be addressed. Photos have ultimate power to frame the significance of addressing a problem because of the meaning that they carry beyond what can be expressed in the words. Photos expose visibly the social problems to the public hence leading to policy reforms for example the photo of a tsunami that occurred in the Indian Ocean had a human face put on the disaster. The woman was surrounded by dead children and the appearance of the photo alone to the audience can quickly galvanize immediate actions to be taken about the current state and this feeling cannot be perceived through words.
  2. In illustration 3, pairing of two photos side by side brings in the issue of stereotypes. This firstly indicates the power that one race has over the other race. This clearly explains race stereotypes and as shown in the illustration, the dark skinned represents the irresponsibility by another race in the wake of the disaster.
  3. In illustration 4, the photos used frame episodes of school shootings. The implication of these photos is that violence at school is the one of the causes of school shooting. When any violent incidence occurs in any form, it kindles other associated activities related to it among which is shooting. This therefore implies that shootings are more likely to take place in a violent environment.

Work cited

Vilnai-Yavetz, I., & Tifferet, S. (2015). A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: Segmenting Consumers by Facebook Profile Images. Journal Of Interactive Marketing (Mergent, Inc.), 3253-69. doi:10.1016/j.intmar.2015.05.002

311 Words  1 Pages
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