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Does handwriting really give a real percept?ion how a person is


Does handwriting really give a real perception how a person is, that might be tricky to answer but with scientific analysis it looks way better in determining the actual facts. MS Lowe has got several accolades with her superb way of unleashing the inner truth of some individuals, however; there exist some skeptics to the ability of this being the truth (Laughlin, 2011)). If there is anything to blend and actualize this theory is the scientific study, it has the ability to provide logical, creative, and furthermore a rigorous number of methods in discerning facts. The problem of terror attacks is a global issue which needs to be dealt heads up, sober and intellectual minds are the only way to face and you can be assured of no bias. The bombings which unfortunately happen to hit the streets of London are an experience we all ought to forget but we cannot. First of all, why can a group of individual be so much malicious, what is the motive of such kind of people? Definitely, you can be assured that this cannot fall far from the extremist groups. It was a world leaders meeting which to some extent they intended to disrupt then you can be assured that this is radicalized people who feel they are not getting enough from the ruling government and being the sidelined in terms of economy or something close to that. The whole and the big question to research would be terrorism. Google and Yoho have been very helpful interment sources which it could enlighten problems. Wikipedia is also used on occasional times though not dependable, online Media, Bing, journals, and books got a greater importance to this (Kuhn & Hacking, 2012). Problems have been identified through various means and the research methodology matters.














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Laughlin, P. R. (2011). Group problem solving. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.

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Kuhn, T. S., & Hacking, I. (2012). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago, IL [etc.: The University of Chicago Press.

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347 Words  1 Pages
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