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The assignment sets out to investigate which psychological elements social media sites or mobile apps use to get people hooked to using their applications

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Paper Instructions:

*Description of Assignment*: 
The assignment sets out to investigate which psychological elements social media sites or mobile apps use to get people hooked to using their applications. 

*What constitutes a good assignment?*:
1. The assignment will be judged based on the examination of 1 popular social media site or mobile application (e.g. Facebook, Twitter,,, Spotify, Airbnb, or any other popular site / mobile app). Apart from Instagram and Tinder.

2. You will need to identify at least 8 different psychological design elements (will provide examples below) and explain how these elements influence conversion and/or create habit-forming behaviors. 

3. Based on the examination of the site and identification of the psychological elements, you will need to suggest 3 improvements to the existing site using your knowledge of management psychology. 

4. A reflection on the work done must be provided to show what you have learned from this assignment and how he or she could implement habit-forming behaviors into future projects/work or how they can prevent themselves/others from the psychological effects of social media sites. 

*Grading Criteria (Rubric)*:
1. Overall Persuasiveness (40 Points) - The paper presents an exceptionally compelling case that these measures should be adopted. The argument is feasible, realistic, and presents specific quantitative information where appropriate.

2. Understanding of Core Concept(s)/Psychological Phenomena (40 Points) - The paper demonstrates a firm understanding of the psychological concept(s)/phenomena, which is demonstrated in each section of the paper.

3. Overall Writing and Clarity (20 Points) - The writing is clear, concise, and unambiguous.

**Psychological design elements**:
1. The ATARI Model (please check attachments for more details). The link for the model is

2. Priming  (please check attachments for more details). A link that shows an example of the use of priming is

3. FOMO.

4. The Power of Free.

5. Herd Mentality (Conformity Bias).

6. Psychology of Persuasion (please check attachments for more details). The link for this is

7. Nudging (please check attachments for more details). The links for nudging are:

These are just some examples, feel free to use any that you find.

FYI the videos are quite short and will aid in the understanding of the topics in much more depth as well as it goes hand in hand with the resources attached.

413 Words  1 Pages
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