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Technology in Mathematics

Technology in Mathematics

            Technology will change the way in which mathematics is taught.  This is because the ancient teaching modes of mathematics in schools are now not productive in any of the students.  Changes in the mathematics subject in the use of technology have been supported for many years. These changes in mathematics have been created by computers and the calculators and are reflective as they need readjustment in balancing each topic in mathematics.   Teachers will have to change their teaching ways to the innovative ones as they will make students engage in the subject and help them to understand well the complicated concept of it. Technology has become more proficient as it has the ability to show the students many ways of approaching the mathematical concept and the processes. This will make the teachers change from the formal teaching strategies that students find to be more involving (Polly & IGI Global, 2015). 

            The advantages of using technology in mathematics are that it gives the students the chance of learning certain technologies resources based on mathematics.  It also help the students to have concentration on how and when to use the technology well in the mathematics classroom and finally it helps in giving the students the chances to show their skills of technology and its uses in the teaching and the learning of mathematics.  The huge advantage in the implementation of technology in mathematics is that technology seems as the most major issue that the school mathematics concepts face.  Teachers has the challenge is that they are not aware of which tools to use and how to teach well with the devices.  The issue that the technological devices are always changing often creates another disadvantage of the implementation of technology (Polly & IGI Global, 2015). 



In Polly, D., & IGI Global, (2015). Cases on technology integration in mathematics education.



310 Words  1 Pages
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