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You have been charged with creating a survey for your community! The community is interested in having you create a survey and present the results at the next town hall meeting. Learn about quantitative variables.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You have been charged with creating a survey for your community! The community is interested in having you create a survey and present the results at the next town hall meeting. Learn about quantitative variables.
To complete this project you will:
1. Think of a problem within your community or workplace. The problem needs to be something others will have an interest in solving or will want to share reactions to.
2. Create a 10 question survey with quantitative variables (number) on a topic you are interested in. Think of questions where 0 is dislike there is a scale to 4- like. Another way to do this is using 0-never, 1 sometimes, 2 frequently, and 3 always.
3. Administer the survey to a minimum of 10 people.
4. Analyze your data for the mean, median, and mode of each questions.
5. Create a visual bar graph, 
6. Compile the information into a slide presentation, of at least 5 slides, to present at the next town hall. The presentation should present: the MEAN, MEDIAN, and MODE of each question, the visual of the data, and conclusions based on the statistics you found in the survey.

205 Words  1 Pages
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