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Technology as a Subversive Force: The Case of Canada’s Innu People

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Technology as a Subversive Force: The Case of Canada’s Innu People

Rudi Volti states that “(w)hile technological development has been the primary source of economic advance, it has not been cost-free” (p.21). That is, technology delivers benefits, but it also exacts costs. It does things, but it also ‘un-does’ things. In effect, technology is a double-edged sword.

For Assignment #1 you are required to demonstrate an understanding of the notion that technology is a ‘subversive force’ (see Volti pp. 22-26). To do this, you are asked to incorporate Volti’s argument into a discussion of the impact of technological development on isolated Inuit communities in Canada’s North. Your source of information regarding the Inuit experience is the following online article:

131 Words  1 Pages
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