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New energy sources

  • New energy sources
  • Introduction
  •             As technological advances increases, the need for large amount of energy is a major requirement because mot machines are energy driven. The technological advances today are making energy requirement a very important objective that most government includes in their budgets. However, this new sources of energy has limitations that are worse as compared to the old sources of energy in terms of energy consumption during exploration, environmental degradation an the greenhouse gas emission. Although the exploration of new sources of energy promises good than harm, the need to acquire effective utilization measures is still paramount.
  • II. New energy sources improve the security.
  •             Governments are interested in ensuring availability of food and security to its citizens, in this, they have to look for alternative sources of energy to drive their technological ambitions New energy sources reduce the reliance on fuels, which are imported from unstable regions of the world. An immense range of happenings and evolutions evidenced by the world time to time are referred by the social accounting phenomenon. Conversely, there have to be new explorations of new development strategies in order to provide room for more energy sources. Little has been done by way of responding to the challenge-referred problem (Laan &Van2009).
  •             Where as threw new sources of energy are beneficial to the local communities, most oil-endowed countries have experienced a lot of tribulation and internal conflicts due to sect oral and ideological differences. The inter-clan differences have left the communities poor prompting anthropologists to refer to oil deposits and blood oil. The oil deposits have caused the communities a lot of misery than the new sources of energy would cause.
  • References
  • Der Laan, Sandra Van. (2009). “The Role of Theory in Explaining Motivation for Corporate         Social Disclosures: Voluntary Disclosures vs 'solicited' Disclosures”; Australasian         Accounting Business & Finance Journal, Vol. 3
  • Smith, G. Stevenson. (2007). “Maurice Stans' Views on Social Responsibility in the Accounting   Profession”; The Accounting Historians Journal, Vol. 34
323 Words  1 Pages
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