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Introduction to Computer

Introduction to Computer

            There are very many people who believe that in order to succeed at workplace; one must have the basic skills of a computer. One can never use a computer not unless he/she have the knowledge of how it works. Being a multipurpose electronic device that stores, processes and receives data, computer is used in many societies as a tool together with the internet. Computers consist of many components inside them and they are all used to serve different purposes. These components have to work together in order for the computer to work. Knowing how to use a computer makes it easier to use it and it responds with ease.

Documents distribution and sharing option

            Word does not include features that can allow it to share and distribute documents directly. This can only be achieved if one sets the word to the public on the Google drive. This option gives the URL that one can share.  The internet fax can also be used to share the word. The combination of the word with the live sky drive and addition of an App for the word web enables one to share word in the internet (Duffy et al 38).

Security issues to be considered

            Before sharing or distributing any given file created in the Microsoft word, there is need to consider security and privacy (Duffy et al 38). This is because sometimes the word files contains file paths, names, earlier versions of documents or hidden comments and texts that can be damaging or even embarrassing if they are viewed by third parties.

Document sharing over the internet

            Sharing the word document over the internet is not bad. There are many people world wide that do this through the Google Docs since it is of great essence in their jobs (Duffy et al 38). If maybe one is not comfortable with that, he/she can select specific people who can access the document and those who can modify it. If not, password use is much recommended when it comes to such cases.















Work cited

Duffy, Jennifer A, and Carol M. Cram. Microsoft Office Word 2007: Illustrated Complete. Boston, Mass: Thomson Course Technology, 2008. Print.


363 Words  1 Pages
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