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First Sentence

Actuators should be used as the most essential tools in sustaining improvement of automation in various sectors in order to ensure safety of the machinists and security of equipments.

The Standard Form Argument

If is factual that actuators play a vital role in sustainable improvement of automation technology in different sectors. In the contemporary global market, customers exhibit great concern on the security of equipment which will guarantee safety and operational protection. Therefore, for the actuators, they ought to show reliable movement control in order to warrant safety associated with motion risks.  A good example of security concept in application of actuators is accurate positioning and synchronous parallel functioning. Additionally, the actuators ought to give an alternative for application of other types of operation such as hydraulic and manual operations. Actuators should be able to control damage that might arise from mechanical blockage or overload. Lastly, they should be able to detect causes of damage such as high temperatures above the specified limits.


P1: actuator is operated using typical electric current, pneumatic pressure, hydraulic fluid pressure as sources of energy which can be converted to motion.

P2: substitution of other actuators with electric linear actuators during the control of the motion is necessary

P3: lack of security concepts in application of actuators can lead to costly spares maintenance, productivity loss and oil leaks

Normative Premise/Conclusion 

P4: if security concepts are applied in actuators, it will help in preventing both energy (electric) and technical failures


247 Words  1 Pages
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