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Technology and Industry


Technology and Industry

The technology is really changing business since many transactions can be done online thanks to the social media. Through the social media, it is easy for industries to be able to advertise their products at ease without having to pay for the advertisement charges (Atwong, 4). The social has consequently provided a good platform for both the industries and the buyers, thus making it for both parties to be able to carry out their activities at ease and without any problem at all. Since the social media is most used by the youth, it is easier for us to be able to advertise our accessories thus attracting many customers (Chanthinok et al, 12).

In the past, it was hard for us to be able to sale accessories without having promotions and costly advertisements. Through the social media, we are therefore able to advertise these goods and even negotiate with the customers online thus maintaining our customers and attracting other customers too. Furthermore, we are able to sell our products without the customers visiting our shops. This has therefore made us to be able to deliver goods to our customers who appreciate our services and even come back for more (Chanthinok et al, 13). When we have a new product in stock, it is also easy for us to pass the information through the social media thus being able to attract the attention of customers. Furthermore, we can be able to communicate with our customers and ask them for their opinion about our services (Atwong, 5). This really help us, as we are able to better our services hence increasing our sales and attracting more customers. Moreover we have also been able to beat our competitors through asking our customers questions and opinions about our services.

Work Cited

Chanthinok, Kriangsak, Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitichakit, and Prathanporn Jhundra-indra. "Social Media Marketing Strategy And Marketing Outcomes: A Conceptual Framework." Allied Academies International Conference: Proceedings Of The Academy Of Marketing Studies (AMS) 20.2 (2015): 35-52. Business Source Complete. Web. 4 May 2016.

Atwong, Catherine T. "A Social Media Practicum: An Action-Learning Approach To Social Media Marketing And Analytics." Marketing Education Review 25.1 (2015): 27-31. Business Source Complete. Web. 4 May 2016.

372 Words  1 Pages
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