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Work with at-risk youth in a group home

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Discuss your own program goals (Numbers 7–11) in relation to your internship and any relevant Code of Ethics standards (APA Code of Conduct for psychology students or NOHS Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals). Write at least one paragraph for each goal and submit it in the course website by the start of Unit

Topic- Work with at-risk youth in a group home

For Example: The Bachelor of Arts Human Services major equips students to:

7. Develop interpersonal skills with clients, co-workers and supervisors.

In my field experience placement, I demonstrated this by....write down how you did this, what you learned, and what activities you performed to meet this goal. How did you improve in this area due to your field experience? Give examples of interactions with clients, etc.

8. Demonstrate competency in the general administrative aspects of the service delivery system.

In my field experience placement, I demonstrated this by....write down how you did this, what you learned, and what activities you performed to meet this goal. How did you improve in this area due to your field experience? Give examples of any paperwork you helped complete, any other administrative tasks.

205 Words  1 Pages
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