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using CBT approach

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Tanya who is 16 years old is in counseling at the community center. Her mother, Linda contacted a community counseling center seeking counseling for her. Ms. Linda shared with Ms. Rita, the therapist that her daughter, Tanya, a 16 year old and an 11th grader are having problems included poor academic achievement, relationships with fellow peers and behavior at home.  Tanya lives with her mother, father, and two younger sisters.  Until the current school year, Tanya had been an above average student. Ms. Linda is very concerned about her behavioral problems.

Here are the labels to identify with this case: Diagnosis in the case ( using the DSM V), how does the CBT theory compose with this case, Empirical Evidence/Cultural Diversity/Life Situations, Theoretical Conceptualization, working hypothesis,

137 Words  1 Pages
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