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Consider what you learned from the literature review about your organizational issue and the questions that were raised about the practical application of the findings. Use these resources and your knowledge of your own site to conceive and design an acti

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Consider what you learned from the literature review about your organizational issue and the questions that were raised about the practical application of the findings. Use these resources and your knowledge of your own site to conceive and design an action-research study that you might implement in your organization or that someone could apply in another organization to address a question of practice. Use the action-research design template and other linked resources to guide you as you complete this assignment.

Remember to complete the following:

Provide a reference list and citations in the literature to support your design.
Review the scoring guide to ensure that you address all criteria before submitting your assignment.

Name of company- XYZ Flooring 

Background info- 50 years old Mom & Pop that has ballooned now has 85 branches throughout the US.4 Distribution Centers Ontario Ca., Houston Tx, Suffolk Va., Orlando Fl.

Problems. 1. Managers promoted due to loyalty over the years. 
        2. Managers hired from outside leave prematurely due to companies lack of Professional Development opportunity 
                  3.  The company needs to develop and implement a professional development program.

196 Words  1 Pages
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