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Group Counseling

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Group Counseling Research Paper
address the following
1. Determining need for groups: How can a counselor best determine which small groups are needed at
their school or mental health agency?
2. Determining topics for groups: What are topics that are appropriate vs. inappropriate for group
3. Identifying clients/students for groups: What criteria should a counselor use to place students in a
small group counseling intervention? When might individual counseling be more appropriate?
Generated: 1/16/2020 Page 6 of 20
4. Obstacles: What are obstacles to setting up small groups in a school setting or a mental health
agency? How can counselors overcome these obstacles?
5. Ethics of group counseling with children/adolescents:
1. School Counselors: Is it ethically and legally required for school counselors to obtain parental permission for students to participate in groups? What are “best practices” for setting up small group counseling in terms of parental consent?
2. Mental Health Counselors: What are some of the ethical challenges of conducting group counseling
with minors within a mental health agency? What are “best practices” for setting up small group counseling in terms of parental consent?

196 Words  1 Pages
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