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why is climate change and pollution a difficult policy issue? What factors impact a lack of real action? What do you believe will be the future of climate change policy?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Throughout the readings and other materials a common theme was real inaction both in the United States and in the international community.

1.In your opinion, why is climate change and pollution a difficult policy issue? What factors impact a lack of real action? What do you believe will be the future of climate change policy? (Should be answered in at least a paragraph) 
Growing Concern on Climate Change: (Links to an external site.)

Review the following article from Gallup concerning public opinion and climate change: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

There is also an updated Pew Study on the politics of climate change: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 

Also, review the links on Gallup's topic page on climate change: (Links to an external site.)

2. How do you believe public opinion and politics impacts where we are today? This should be answered in at least a paragraph.

3. Why doesn't the government invest in large scale infrastructure projects that would have a positive impact on clean air? This should be answered in at least a paragraph. 

You will be graded based on how well you address each question. Be sure to provide citations. 

232 Words  1 Pages
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