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analysis of Animated film -Mulan 1998 by Walt Disney company

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Choose a Disney film, TV program, character, product or activity and present a 4-page textual or content analysis.**topic: Mulan 1998 by Walt Disney company

Your paper should reflect your own serious, thoughtful and deep analysis of the artifact/text you have chosen. You are encouraged to use one of the approaches to analyzing texts or media content represented in the readings and/or class discussions (such as feminism, psychoanalytical analysis, etc.). Your analysis might draw on ideas from one or several of the readings/class discussions, but also should represent your own thoughts. If you cite sources not include in the syllabus, include complete citation information.

Do not merely summarize the plot of a film, cartoon or story, but dig deeper into the meanings/values, representations, etc. in the program, artifact, or character that you are analyzing. Also be sure that you back up your statements and analysis with specific examples from the product/text.

Papers must be double-spaced and carefully written. The strength of your writing will be factored into your grade.
**The readings are attached, make sure to cite:)

189 Words  1 Pages
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