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Should governments subsidies the arts?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Should governments subsidise the arts? Explain your answer using relevant examples to illustrate your points.

Your essay will demonstrate your ability to:

•            Investigate the topic/question

•            Source apposite material

•            Undertake original research

•            Construct a coherent argument.

Use appropriate evidence and source material to support your arguments, such as textbooks, journal articles, newspaper articles and internet sources. Please include AT LEAST five sources. Ensure that you cite these using the Harvard referencing system and provide a full bibliography at the end of your essay.

We will be using plagiarism software to check that your essay has not been submitted by another student or to another institution, either in whole or in part; if you are found to have plagiarised then your application will be immediately rejected. Our system will detect self-plagiarism, i.e. if you have submitted any portion of your essay to another UK institution; your essay must therefore be original and specific to this application.

170 Words  1 Pages
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