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Mental Health and Wellness Trends

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Part 1: Mental Health and Wellness Trends

Directions: Provide short answers of 150-200 words for each of the following two questions. Use three scholarly resources in addition to using the textbook to support your responses. Follow APA guidelines when answering the questions.  

What are the current trends in mental health and wellness?
How do these trends influence the practice of mental health professionals?

Part 2: Mental Health and Wellness Associations

Directions: Pick one or two of the topics listed below and discuss current trends related to each topic. Your response for each question should not exceed 200 words. Follow APA guidelines when answering the questions.

Online counseling
Client rights, specifically informed consent
Implications of behavioral diagnoses in integrated health
Prevention and wellness
Another topic of your choice

How does being a member of professional associations help a mental health professional?

What benefits can these associations provide these professionals and how they treat clients and maintain ethical decision-making?

170 Words  1 Pages
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