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If you were asked to go to Lynchburg College and persuade a liberal audience on the negative effects of abortion, how would you do this using the Elaboration Likelihood Model? In your response make sure to reference: Kassin Text, Chadee Theory Book and On

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Paper Instructions:

If you were asked to go to Lynchburg College and persuade a liberal audience on the negative effects of abortion, how would you do this using the Elaboration Likelihood Model? In your response make sure to reference: Kassin Text, Chadee Theory Book and One Empirical Article at least once each for a minimum of 3 references. (30 pts (Define ELM Model (15 pts) / Explain why & how you will apply ELM using each source above. Each source is worth 5 points for a total of 15 points)).

99 Words  1 Pages
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