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Bridge to Terabithia

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Paper Instructions:

Analysis of a Children's Book Template 
Literature analysis – Make sure you clarify in your paper how you included all of the information below. Using subheadings helps organize your paper and allows me to identify your responses quickly and efficiently. 
•    Title
•    Author
•    Illustrator
•    Number of pages
•    Publication date
•    Brief plot description
•    Appropriate for what ages
•    Book genre
•    Character's development: Describe the main character's development and compare to what we've studied about children's development of that age group. Use examples from the story to analyze the character's physical, cognitive and social/emotional development. Compare to the descriptions of normative development explained in the text – what are the usual developmental indicators  of children that age? 
o    Include relevant theorists in your discussion, e.g. in which stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory is the character, and what are some examples from the story that portray this? 
o    Make sure that you include a section describing each developmental domain. 
•    Define major themes of the story and their relevance to the child-reader: why  would the reader be interested in these themes
•    Examples of diversity portrayed in the book: cultural, linguistic, economic, learning differences
•    Accessibility of the story content to children from diverse backgrounds
•    Reasons that a child-reader may enjoy/not enjoy this book
•    Reasons that you enjoyed/didn't enjoy this book

240 Words  1 Pages
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