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Your paper should give a synopsis of the experiment you chose to use, and you need to explain how it is similar to what took place at Abu Graib, and what Social Psychology factors and theories you felt were involved. You should also comment on what has be

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Paper Instructions:

Module 4 - Case
Assignment Overview
In 2004 there were allegations of abuse and human rights violations that occurred in the Abu Ghraib prison. There have been many interpretations of what happened, and there are many aspects of Social Psychology that could have been at play in this situation. For this Case Assignment you are to familiarize yourself with three examples of famous social experiments—The Stanford Prison Experiment, Asch’s Conformity Experiment, and the Milgram Obedience  Experiment, and apply the concepts and theories associated with one of these to the Abu Ghraib prison situation.

Case Assignment
Your paper should give a synopsis of the experiment you chose to use, and you need to explain how it is similar to what took place at Abu Graib, and what Social Psychology factors and theories you felt were involved. You should also comment on what has been done or might be done to prevent this from occurring again.

Assignment Expectations
Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, should include 4-6 references, and should be in APA format.

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Reflecting on the four modules completed this session, provide suggestions and advice to those taking this course in subsequent sessions. What would you have done differently a second time around? The same? If your goal is to provide the necessary tools for success for your fellow student, think of the top five suggestions and explain each with specific details and examples from the course.

262 Words  1 Pages
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