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What is the relationship between culture and identity?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Develop a primary post (approx. 150 words) that responds to the following prompt by Thursday, 11:59pm. 

What is the relationship between culture and identity? Anzaldúa and Yang are both interested in how an individual experiences culture. They explore the ways that an individual comes into contact with culture—through language, but also music, movies, stories, food, family, physical environment, etc.—and thus how culture shapes or affects one’s sense of self. Use a passage from Anzaldúa or Yang’s essay to respond to the question above.

Conclude your post with a specific, open-ended question for the group. Your question should develop logically from your response to the prompt. You are welcome to pose a question about something in the reading that intrigued or confused you, or to bring in Williams’ theory or the culture you analyze.

Be sure to quote from Anzaldúa or Yang’s essay! Do give some explanation/ interpretation after the quote to situate it in your discussion point.
Attached is the reading.

173 Words  1 Pages
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