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Society can be defined as the structure of relationships within which culture (values, beliefs, behaviors and material objects that together make up a people's way of life) is created and shared through regularized patterns of social interaction.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Society can be defined as the structure of relationships within which culture (values, beliefs, behaviors and material objects that together make up a people's way of life) is created and shared through regularized patterns of social interaction.

Social change can be defined as any significant alteration in society (see definition above).

Describe an instance, past or present, in which a specific film of any society/time has resulted in (CAUSED) social change. Do NOT speculate, do not just write about a movie that is about social change, and do not merely write about how a film BROUGHT ABOUT OR CHANGED AWARENESS of something. Awareness is just the first step to social change. Social change involves action. Make sure you include a link(s) to your information. Your reference(s) will not count toward the length limit of your response.

Basic Internet search skills and methods should be employed to find information for this forum. Other sources of info are acceptable, but a little time and effort using a basic Internet search engine is probably your best bet here. The source does NOT have to be a scholarly research article.

197 Words  1 Pages
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